Sometimes life can get so busy that I find
I allow myself to pulled in many different directions and
I wind up feeling overwhelmed.
I lose my perspective on what is really important
to me and it hampers my ability to enjoy the beauty of those things.
I have a tendency to look at the big picture and set my sights down the road,
which isn't always a bad thing unless you forget to live in the now;
enjoying the simple pleasures life offers every day.
Sharing my life with JR and the children has given me an opportunity
to learn that I am not a
One Woman Show anymore
(as I was for most of my life before them).However, if you ask JR, he'd tell you that he has to remind me of this
quite often.
I have a friend who regularly visits my blog.
She says that when she visits our life always looks so perfect
and it makes her feel like she's not doing enough.
I laugh because I think sometimes
I am not doing enough either.
I tell her that its not
we, too, have our ups and downs in our daily lives like everyone else.
On any given day we stress, the children, school,
extended family, juggling finances, communicating with one another,
eating and exercising right, keeping our relationship in growth mode...
the list goes on.
When I started this blog I chose to dwell on the
small detailsof our lives to remind myself that though not perfect,
we have so much to be grateful for and life is, indeed,
I decided that there are so many special moments that
I want to cherish and give the honor they deserve.
I don't want to ever take them for granted or allow them to elude me,
and although I don't capture every one of them;
I find that by celebrating the little things our lives
are enriched in so many different ways.
It's my hope that by sharing the little special things that happen here,
those who visit will smile and realize that
life is not perfect,
nothing beautiful ever is,
rather, truly living
really is in the details.
Perhaps being reminded of this they, in turn, will pause a little longer
on the very special things in their own
every day that make life holding onto the people who mean the most to you,
and never forgetting the importance of laughter.

For more wonderful Black and White images be sure to check out
Black and White Wednesdays HERE.