She's perched herself on the chair at the front window.

She doesn't realize that she's a day early
We had only seen a picture of one another and spoken on the phone a few times.
(He has the best accent!)
He lived a few miles from me.
Ironically, many years before we had gone to different high schools in the same town and even graduated the same year.
We never ran into one another back then.
After chatting on the phone a few times, he asked me to meet him for a drink at a local restaurant.
He knew all about WonderBoy and me and hadn't run for the hills.
This would be the moment of truth because, in my book, you can't fake chemistry.
I pulled into the parking lot like a maniac, running late, as usual.
I was wondering if the man I was about to meet would even come close to living up to the fantasy of the man I had imagined him to be staring at his picture.
I checked my look in my rearview mirror knowing that it was the last time I was going to see myself before I knew the answer to my own question.
I barreled out of the car in my characteristic whirlwind; grabbing my bag, fluffing my hair, while dropping my keys, shifting my clothes and otherwise primping to get my girl on.
Outta my way, PEOPLE, I had a DATE!
As I trotted through the parking lot, looking over my shoulder at the incredibly crooked parking job I had just perpetrated, I took a deep breath and quickly wiped that bead of sweat from my upper lip...
and, that's when I saw him...
He was sitting on the bench outside the restaurant staring right at me.
He had been, characteristically early, and had been watching me the entire time from the moment I flew into the parking lot as if it were a Nas*car pitstop.
He had a grin ear to ear.
His was even more handsome than I had imagined.
I took one look at him and melted into those sparkling, steely blue-green eyes and began to laugh.
We needed no introductions.
Before I took my first sip of my Margarita, I knew I was looking at my husband.
And the rest, as they history!
Thank you for Finding Me!
I love you to pieces.
(Special thanks to WonderBoy for taking these pictures of us!)
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