...this little mouse will play!
The school bus barely leaves our street and she's off to his room.

You know, the one that's off limits

You know, the one that's off limits
(especially to those nemesis of all 10 year old boys, the dreaded baby sister)

To say he's territorial is an understatement.

To say he's territorial is an understatement.
This is his favorite chair since he was a baby.
He no longer fits in it but its his and that's that.
Those pillows, yep, you guessed it.
His favorites. The blue one has his name emblazoned on it.
It used to grace his crib 10 years ago and is soft as can be.

This is his flying Harry P*tter that whizzes overhead at lightning speed and is never to be operated by human hands other than his own (do you see it flying here...it is!)

Oh, and here we have some of his favorite "stuff" that she's not ever to touch

This is his flying Harry P*tter that whizzes overhead at lightning speed and is never to be operated by human hands other than his own (do you see it flying here...it is!)

Oh, and here we have some of his favorite "stuff" that she's not ever to touch
under penalty of...
well, I'll just say, it's not pretty.
Look how cute she is touching it!

And, of course, the Teddys....nobody touches the Teddys....they are not to leave his bed!

And, of course, the Teddys....nobody touches the Teddys....they are not to leave his bed!

(don't worry Teddy, I'll help you...I'm a good little nurse)

What a magical place this off limits WonderBoy cave is to Sweetie Pie.

What a magical place this off limits WonderBoy cave is to Sweetie Pie.
She's so excited she does the happy dance!

My motto...what he doesn't know, well, he doesn't know!
After a while, though, the mystery wears off and she's off to explore more dangerous territory
while calling out the name of WonderBoy's most prized possession, his "son."
She begins to wander through the house.

My motto...what he doesn't know, well, he doesn't know!
After a while, though, the mystery wears off and she's off to explore more dangerous territory
while calling out the name of WonderBoy's most prized possession, his "son."
She begins to wander through the house.
Can't fool her.
She runs to the front table knowing that WonderBoy would have kissed Kiddie
as his last act as he headed out the door to meet the school bus.
And I spot him there, right where WonderBoy left him.
in her sweet little voice.
Whoa, even I draw the line somewhere and quickly divert her;
throwing myself between the little tornado and helpless little Kiddie.
She's not buying it and she's trying her best to move me from her path.
I'm left with nothing but the offering up of my arch nemesis to draw her away.
It's horrible.
She's not buying it and she's trying her best to move me from her path.
I'm left with nothing but the offering up of my arch nemesis to draw her away.
It's horrible.
I'll give you a hint.
It's big, and purple with a bright green underbelly.
It sports the world's most annoying voice.
It answers to the name of B*rney
It can cause seizures in adults if they are forced to suffer watching the DVDs
in rapid, repetitive, looping succession.
I can attest to that fact.
Oh, the sacrifices mothers must make!