Well, we've been back from vacation for 4 days now and I'm still trying to get my land legs on. The older I get the longer it takes for them to return. It's been a whirlwind and although my intentions were good to get my pictures processed and posted right away that just didn't happen so I'll have to find the time over the next few weeks to work on them and get them posted.
WonderBoy cried 3 times the day we left our resort, and I mean he cried, he sobbed and begged not to leave. He just broke my heart! I was cryin' on the inside right there with him because we just have the best time when we go there.
Everyone knows WonderBoy there and they treat him just like royalty. I have become comfortable with the staff over the years and as WonderBoy has matured I am finding that even I, the completely ridiculously overprotective mother, have given him many freedoms there to be on his own with the Kids' Zone folks.
When we left he cried saying goodbye to the friends he made, saying goodbye to our favorite Kids Zone director, pulling out of the hotel and of course, when we got on the plane and they closed that door.......oh, and once more when we got home. That was actually 5, not 3 times, wasn't it?!
Me and my now mushy brain!
Well, we're back to business as usual. Apparently we missed an ENTIRE week of pouring rain and dreary skies here...woohoo!
WonderBoy is STILL in school, can you believe that? He doesn't finish until next Tuesday. He has 3 half days just to completely throw the parents who work into tailspins right before Summer Camps begin. He has lots and lots of activities to keep him busy this summer. He's doing several one week camps including soccer camp, multi-sport camp, basketball camp and a general rec center camp with his classmates, along with a month of morning summer enrichment classes at the new middle school he's headed to in the Fall. He's sure gonna keep us hoppin' with the schedule I planned. The color-coded calendar that I created noting all of the activites, pick-ups and drop offs is like a work of art. However, it looks much more Jackson Pollock than it does Rembrandt!
Sweetie Pie goes to a brand new interactive daycare 3 days a week that has lots of activites for the kids, especially outdoors in the Summer. The other 2 days she'll spend with her beloved Nana, as usual.
Now that my sister's daughter is much more woman than child (she's 17 going on 27) and she's driving...my sister is also planning on getting her share of lovin' in from her goddaughter, Sweetie Pie this summer. I fully expect she'll be spoiled to bits before July is even halfway over. (Sweetie Pie, that is....my big sister is already completely spoiled! )
We have several daytrips planned as a family to museums and a couple of funparks (yikes!).
We also plan on taking WonderBoy up to West Point because we never actually made it there for his birthday as we planned.
We're also planning on going to the Intrepid in New York City to see the jets and we'll see our favorite little friends there, who we affectionately know as The NYC Trio.
Our weekends have already begun to fill up with summer BBQ plans with friends, birthday celebrations and graduations. WonderBoy has informed me that he intends to spend as much time in the pool as a tadpole. And I know his sister is not far behind!
With all these outdoor goings on, who knows, even I might get some color this summer! The family takes bets because I generally have two shades...Summer white and Winter green!