Yep, that's right....we are winding down the last few hours of 3.
What a wonderful year it has been.
The memory of my Sweetie at 3 will bring a smile to my face always.
I'm so glad I took the time to chronicle this year in photos as a reminder of the wonder and joy she has brought to all of us this magical third year.
At 3, my Sweetie's absolute favorite place to be (other than with her Nana) is in front of a plate of sushi at the best sushi restaurant in town.
She loves her Daddy to pieces.
And her brother? Well, it's more than fair to say he is adored beyond words.
Every single day she surely exemplifies sugar, spice and everything nice
(with a smile and a soft little voice that has been known to melt even the coolest of hearts)
She has just the right dose of charm and sass to ensure that no matter what life brings she will ingratiate herself wherever she wants to be and have the smarts, guts and gumption to pull it off....all by herself!
Thank you for sharing THREE with us, my Darling Girl.....
I cannot wait to see what year FOUR has in store!
You are our heart!
(a.k.a. the luckiest Mom in the world!)
It's Snapshot Sunday over at Ni Hao Y'all and its Poppy's Birthday...
Head on over and share the love!
It's Snapshot Sunday over at Ni Hao Y'all and its Poppy's Birthday...
Head on over and share the love!