
See With Your Eyes

Mom...can we just go and look at that fountain over there?

Oh, well.....okay, just don't get wet we have several more stops to make after this.
Okay, Mom........we won't touch it.....promise....

Kids Fountain WM Web

Kids will be kids!
And I wouldn't have it any other way!

It's Favorite Photo Friday at Long Road to China

the long road


  1. Oh yes, and who can resist a fountain?!

  2. I'm right there with you...I never wanted to pass a fountain without testing the waters.

    I remember a few months back a lovely fountain all lit up on a very warm night and the kids running towards it...one mom yelled to her kids "don't touch anything or get one drop on you" at the same time I was yelling "try not to fall in".

    I miss you.


  3. Kids will be kids but how could you ever be mad with a sweet child with that darling face!!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. LOL, they are too cute. Mine would say "It's just water Mom, it'll dry. Duh." Love Miss Thang in purple, it totally works on her!

    Hope you have a good week!!

  5. LOL.... they can never stay away or out of the water!! Mine would do the same.... but as the J's say, it is only water and it will dry:)

    She could not be any cuter!! Love your purplicious girl!

    TGIF......Happy Weekend my friend~



  6. Even I get the urge to touch the water! Darling post!

  7. hahaha...too cute! The look on Sweetie Pie's face says it all!

  8. Amen! Kids will be kids. And isn't that grand? Touch the water. Daydream! Run, skip, laugh! Life is short! Be happy babies! Be happy!
