I took these photos of my Sweetie back at the end of May 2010 while we waited for a performance of my niece's Cinderella themed Girls' Show to begin.
The gym was hot and crammed with people.
Sweetie was the Black Team's mascot in her Cinderella costume...however, she wasn't having ANY of it. So I took her outside to run off a little of her 2 year old energy.
Little did I know I would get some of the most favorite photos of my daughter that I've ever taken. They are my favorites because they truly show off the electricity of her personality and her iron will determination.
She wanted to get on that football field so badly and she not only wouldn't take no for an answer and found her way in; but she discovered a football buried beneath the bleachers....and, well, as they say, the rest is history.
I hope you enjoy this special slideshow that I only JUST put together after all these months (time is always at such a premium 'round these parts and I have decided to put blogging down on the priority list and living life right up top!).
Whenever I look at these photos I see her strength, beauty and the world of possibility that is open to her as a woman born today. I am so grateful to be her mother and to watch her evolve into the person she is meant to be. I strive to teach my daughter that she is all she will ever need and to always seek to improve the fine art of embracing and loving every facet of herself.
There is no doubt she will once day find her Prince Charming...but I'm confident that by the time he shows up, she'll have long realized that she wants him and doesn't need him.
CLICK HERE to view the slideshow.
I'm hitchin' my wagon to Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot....she's a girl with LOTS more adorable excuses not to find the time to blog than I have...and who somehow, manages to do it all!
Click around to my fellow Linky Linkers over there and see a slice of life from every corner of the world!

Adorable! Love those shoes, and if she can run in them, she can definitely do anything!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous and so funny! Love these - thanks for sharing, Wendy
ReplyDeleteShe is a real natural beauty! I don't only love the shoes but the face that she can walk in them is so funny! This photo shoot is outstanding. Thank you, for sharing.
Ummm, let's see, how should I put this? For lack of better words (we can't all be as amazing with words as YOU!) that was A W E S O M E !
ReplyDeleteYay!! I'm glad to see that you FINALLY posted these!! What a great series! And I have no doubt she can accomplish anything she sets her heart to, especially when she has a mama like you cheering her on!
ReplyDeleteShe is such a beauty!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! And SASSY. And clearly perfectly at home in a tiara!
ReplyDeleteJust like her mama :)
From Sunday Snapshot - adorable! Love all the girliness!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics of your little darling!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog when researching for "toddlers with stitches". I notice your daughter had stitches and how beautifully it faded away. My 2 1/2 year old just got 2 stitches removed from her forhead and I'm really paranoid about scars. Could you please give me some tips on what you did to help heal your sweetie pie's scar. I'm amazed at the outcome of her scar because i can't even see it! I would really appreciate if you would e-mail me at Sayeda2k2@yahoo.com. Thanks a million!! And God bless your beautiful family!